Move/Transport Equipment - Land Transport Needed
Regular price
If your equipment cannot be stored on site, does not have access for our boat to get to shore or needs to be moved to another property, this is the service you'll chose. In the comments section, please indicate specifically where it needs to go.
This service requires additional equipment to be brought on-site and is very time consuming. Due to the amount of time and personnel needed to execute this service, there is a difference in price compared to (Waterfront to Waterfront Service).
PLEASE NOTE...If your equipment needs to be moved from waterfront to waterfront and then off site(property to boat launch and then to storage site) please select both WATERFRONT and LAND TRANSPORT. Most cases, this cannot be done at the same time as our other installations.
Typically Requires: Additional Vehicle & Trailer, Driver and Ground guide/Assistant to help unload on-site and *rental of specialty equipment. This is often times only necessary for one or two properties in the course of an install mission and thus reflected in our rate for this service.
*rental cost of specialty equipment, plus 20% will be billed for this service